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Art History Tutors in the Auburn Area
Katherine S. - Tutor for children,...
Ann Arbor, MI (48103)
$40 / hour - Looking for a tutor with lots of...
Chance L. - Artist/creative dude...
East Lansing, MI (48823)
$40 / hour - Hi, I am an artist (sculptor/Painter)...
Brendan M. - Recent UofM English...
Livonia, MI (48150)
$40 / hour - I recently just graduated from...
Anita E. - Excellent English is...
Farmington, MI (48331)
$60 / hour - Hi,
I've taught both high school ...
Emily C. - English, Art History,...
Ann Arbor, MI (48103)
$70 / hour - I'm Emily C., a 27 year old female...
Rick S. - traveling art guy
Grand Rapids, MI (49506)
$50 / hour - 1) I am a working, self taught visual...
Collegian Art History Tutors
Collegian and Auburn area tutors are available to assist Collegian students and students around Auburn with tutoring in Accounting, ACT English, ACT Math and other high school, middle school, and college classes. Check out the Auburn area tutors listed above, to find the tutor in Auburn, that is right for your tutoring needs.